Milton Randle
2 min readOct 11, 2023


We know now more than ever that the prospect of cradle-to-grave employment entry into the workforce is limited to only a few. The idea of permanent employment — the company that hired you fresh out of college will be the company from which you retire is less and less a prospect in the current and probably future “gig” economy. See… How many jobs does the average person have in their lifetime? — Zippia


What Is The Average Number of Career Changes in a Person’s Lifetime? — Unmudl

As a result, most workforce denizens will find themselves in multiple companies during their work lives. 😲

Therefore, most STEM professionals should prepare for the impending employment stop gaps and transitions by continuing their active involvement in the professional societies related to their disciplines and majors. By active, I mean, at least by joining committees and being visible to the membership and leadership of the organization, not just being a member only. Yes, it looks good on your resume, but employers are looking for more than just membership, I assure you.

What is even more recommended is to become part of the leadership of the organization. As an officer of a professional society such as ACM or ASCE or IEEE, your visibility is guaranteed. Just as much as, or even more than, the president of a student chapter of a professional society always gets job offers, the officers of a professional engineering society are readily visible to the employment opportunities of the job market. One way to ensure your continued professional viability in the workplace is to ensure you have a professional network which supports you. A supportive professional network is people who know you, know you are a good person, good worker and a good collaborator. They are happy to refer you to the available opportunities because they have collaborated with you. This is how networks work.

Yes, a supportive network can be managed within a company or corporation. If you are actively involved as a participant or leader of such a network at your job, your employment opportunity prospects will be positively enhanced. The point is: get actively involved. And yes, there’s a social component to getting involved.

Getting actively involved in your professional society is never too late. You should continue be actively involved in your professional society until you land that job… and continue to do so. Your active involvement will enhance and be an enhancement to your job search and overall career development.

*STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

-Milton Randle

